Transported into the hyper-realistic environments of past times you will witness the essential milestones in the creation, but also in the destruction of life on our planet.
You are invited to freely move and look around and to discover the surrounding worlds as curious explorer. Intuitive actions are triggered by your surroundings: Your body reacts naturally by walking, grasping, moving and interacting in the virtual space. A fascinating multi-sensual experience that triggers the joy and curiosity of exploring the past, leaving a lasting and intense impression.
A sensor on your “virtual arm” provides targeted information and interesting facts and answers the questions of how life friendly or hostile the current environment is.
The experience will initially be implemented as a single user experience with a playing time of about one hour. If required for on-site use, the experience can be limited in time and also be run via an “autopilot” mode. The explorable room is designed for up to 2 x 2 meters, allowing for a “living room” experience. The body and hands can be used freely for navigation, yet controllers can also be used.
GENESIS – The LIFE Experience (WT) will initially be developed for the Quest 2 and similar mobile headsets.